Ascot Racecourse

Provided & Managed by StreamVue since 2006

The Requirement:

We were contacted in 2006 by one of the leading racecourses in the United Kingdom to help them shape the management and control of their content throughout their whole venue.

It was important to provide a base system architecture that could be developed over the years with minimal management and find a flexible trusted partner to grow with the customer experience inside the venue. The course is closely associated with the British Royal Family being sited only six miles from Windsor Castle.

The Solution:

We delivered our enterprise suite of software which provided the key backbone to the system on site. Our dedicated appliance servers allowed direct connection to the course camera crews allowing live interviews with Jockeys. Satellite connections allowed feeds from Sky Sports Racing to be ingested and moved around the course. In addition an integrated application was developed for importing and combining betting information with the relevant races. Dedicated apps were developed to allow customers control over the racing they wanted to watch and replays of the live events that occurred.